Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Blend app workspace (HTML)

The Blend for Visual Studio workspace for Windows Store apps includes all of the visual interface elements of the default workspace. However, when you are working on a Windows Store app project built using HTML, the tools that are available are specific to HTML projects.
Workspace Layout
Document tabs   Shows all the project documents that are currently open, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.
View controls   Provides three options to control your app:
  • Interactive mode   Use interactive mode to trigger different states in your app, which you can then style.
  • Error indicator   Indicates errors in your app and displays the error list in the Results panel.
  • Refresh   Use Refresh to restore your app to its initial state before any state changes you made using interactive mode.
Views   Displays one of three real-time authoring environments:
  • Design view   Use Design view to author documents by using a visual representation on the design surface.
  • Code view   Use Code view to author HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Split view   Displays both Code and Design view. You can also change the orientation of the windows using the Split View Orientation item on the View menu.

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